1 Million! 🎉
Mar 11, 2021 11:46:07 AM

So, we’ve done it and we’re definitely proud to have had processed (now over) 1,000,000 receipts. Now we’re changing up a gear and keeping this journey strong. We are looking to make e-receipts eligible soon too… watch this space.
Just for fun, we’d thought we’d share a few other milestones that we’re interesting… Maybe only to us, but we hope you like some of them too.
The Rolling Stones beach party with 1 Million people
Yes, that’s right 1 million people, at a party, on a beach and in Rio de Janeiro!
In 2006 British rock veterans The Rolling Stones took to the stage on Rio de Janeiro's famous Copacabana Beach. People from across Brazil and the world gathered to make one of the biggest ever concert audiences ever recorded.
Mick Jagger and the team played their classic hits from as high as a ten-storey building and had a dedicated walkway to the band's hotel. Despite the gig's size, entry was free. Now that’s a bargain!
England's first £1 million footballer
Footballers regularly move between clubs for more than £30 million in modern times, in fact, £1 million won't get you much these days (apart from a title challenging side like Leicester).
In February 1979, the then-24-year-old striker, Trevor Francis made British footballing history and became the most expensive when he was signed by Nottingham Forest for a fee of just over £1 million.
This shocked football fans nationwide back then. Nowadays, the same amount of money will pay Wayne Rooney's wages for just one month!
If only Shopitize worked on the transfer market…
EBay trader breaks one million feedback barrier
Here's one with which you may be able to relate. Even in the online shopping age, we know that great customer service is a crucial ingredient of success. This is something Jack Sheng knows very well, as Jack became the first ever eBay user (buyer & seller) to achieve a feedback score of one million. Achieved back in 2008, it took Jack 8 years. However, it only took 18 months from then for him to reach two million.
In recognition of his achievement, eBay designed a special 'Shooting Star' icon for Jack's profile and even named a conference room at its HQ in his legacy.
Facebook reaches 1,000,000 users
Arguably the biggest game changers in ‘keeping in touch’, Facebook has certainly rocked our world.
Check out this clip from ‘The Social Network’, probably not exactly how it happened but still a milestone to be proud of, and as you know, the rest his live-history.
Apparently Mark Zuckerberg is still not a hugger.
If you're an avid user of the app like I am, then you'll know that it's frustrating when a receipt is sometimes unrecognised by the robot, but rest assured that the team is on the case.
Kindly allow up to 7 working days for our team to review them for you. We always aim to review the receipts as soon as we can, with our small team it's tricky but we're getting there. We'll definitely get better at as we grow with your support!
On to the next milestone! 👉
Posted by Kevin Philemon More posts by this author