Top Tips for a Wallet-Happy Winter!
Nov 27, 2021 3:53:35 PM

Well, the weather outside is frightful, but that shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg (to frostbite or heating bills) this winter! Last year, the average fuel bill in the UK reached a teeth chattering £752, with dual fuel bills averaging £1344! There's not much we can do about the rising cost of fuel, but there are lots of ways we can curb those costly bills and still keep warm during this cosy season. And no, we don't just mean hopping on a plane to the Bahamas!
As we all know here at Shopitize, every little bit counts, so read on for our top tips and tidbits to keep your home warm and your wallet full:
1) Throw on your winter jumper!
Before anything else, put on your thickest, comfy jumper and a thick pair of socks or slippers. See how you feel after about fifteen minutes, and then consider turning up the heat if you're still chilly. Did you know that the temperature of your feet plays a big role in stabilising your body temperature? Read about it here!
2) Insulate your floors and windows:
When you turn up the heat, all you're really doing is topping-up the warmth that has escaped. A properly insulated home will help keep hands off the thermostat and keep you oh so warm! Windows and floors are among the greatest contributors to lost heat, with poorly-insulated floors accounting for over 10% alone! Use thick curtains to prevent draughts, keeping them closed after dusk, but open during the day (to let the natural warmth of sunlight in). For floors, just adding some cushy carpets can go a long way.
3) Cook at home:
You know how you never want to cook in the summer? All that extra heat adds up when you have the oven on, and the same is true in winter! Except this time of year, the extra heat is more than welcome! Not only do you get to enjoy delicious, home-cooked meals, but, there's no need to turn the heat up when you have ovens and stovetops doing the work for you. Not to mention, cooking your own food saves a lot of money in and of itself! See how you can cook your favourite takeaways for £5 or less!
4) A roll of tinfoil or two
Yes, aluminium foil can go a long way in keeping your home cosy. And no, we're not talking about the oven this time. To prevent radiator heat loss, place sheets of heat reflective tinfoil behind your radiators to direct as much heat as possible into the room! You can use high quality tinfoil from your favourite retailer or, better yet, radiator foil made specifically for the job! Get some here for £5.99!
5) Control your heating on a room to room basis
This one may seem obvious, but one easy way to keep costs down is to control the heat source itself."For every degree Celsius cooler your home is, your heating bills will fall by about 10%." With this in mind, close-rooms you don't use in the winter, making sure to turn off radiators, close the curtains, and put draught excluders against the door. If you know you'll be spending most of your evening in the living room, turn off the heat in any other rooms until you use them. If you cook often enough, you may not need to turn the heat on in your kitchen at all!
6) Snuggle up!
This one has to be our favourite, because it's all about the warmth of family and friends. The Danish have a word for this. It's called 'Hygge,' and it's all about keeping warm, happy, and full of joy during the longest season of the year. Host friends and family, throw a party or two, and snuggle up around the fire with games and a splash of bubbly. Not only will this keep the room warm, but your heart full!
What are your warm winter tips? We'd love to hear them!
Hannah is a Content Creator at Shopitize! She loves gardening, cooking, crafting, and baking gigantic cakes! Actually, she also loves eating them!
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